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    Bean Alexander

    Bean Alexander lives and writes in Austin, TX with her daughter, husband, and dog. She has been a freelance writer for two years but has been writing stories since childhood. She enjoys reading, running, and vegetarian cooking.

Author's Posts

  • 5 Ways To Get Protein In A Smoothie Without Protein Powder

    5 Ways To Get Protein In A Smoothie Without Protein Powder0

    Most people who drink smoothies already cater them carefully to their body’s nutritional needs. So it makes sense that when looking for a boost to protein, dumping a mysterious store-bought powder into their smoothie full of natural ingredients can seem counterintuitive. The good news is that there are tons of natural sources of protein that

  • Top Ways to Create a More Positive Space

    Top Ways to Create a More Positive Space4

    After a long day at work and an annoying commute, you come home, open the door and… what do you feel? Relief to be home, of course, but if you’re coming home to a space that isn’t organized or just looks drab, it can have serious effects on your mental state. Outside of your home,

  • Tops Ways to Ease Anxiety

    Tops Ways to Ease Anxiety1

    Many people deal with anxiety on some level. Rather it’s sweating and heart racing before making a big presentation or being overwhelmed by a crowded subway car that can make you dread the daily commute, everyone needs to form strategies to deal with anxiety when it comes. 1. Write about it Writing about what makes

  • 4 Simple Exercises To Do At Work

    4 Simple Exercises To Do At Work0

    A big fad over the last few years has been the standing desk. They’ve begun showing up in offices all over the country but are they really worth it? Some people have reported more focus and a more satisfied feeling at work versus traditional sitting at a desk. But if your primary focus is to