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    Edel Mwende

    Edel Mwende is a free-spirit who spends time in creative work ( crocheting and knitting to unwind). She loves keeping her mind occupied and is always looking for something new to feed her mind. A Copywriter, Editor, Ghostwriter and Content Researcher. Wordplay and learning new things every day are a few things that keep her motivated.

Author's Posts

  • Top 7 Sources Of Interruptions That Affect Your Productivity

    Top 7 Sources Of Interruptions That Affect Your Productivity0

    It can be eye-opening once you realize that the many interruptions that happen in your day at work can actually be controlled. And in no particular order, here’s a look at seven top interruptions that occur often with most people and these can affect your productivity: 1. Saying YES to every request When someone is

  • 4 Ways to Treat Acne Scarring

    4 Ways to Treat Acne Scarring3

    If you have truly struggled with acne, then you know the frustration that pimples bring. For some people, no matter how many times they washout their faces, it seems they cannot make these bumps fade away. But, what is worse than the glaring red bumps? The scars they leave behind. The good thing is there’s

  • 3 Ways the Gig Economy reshaping the workforce

    3 Ways the Gig Economy reshaping the workforce1

    Gig Economy pertains to both freelance and independent positions and can include those that are temporary and technologically influenced. Such jobs don’t follow the traditional conditions and terms as well as have little control over the payouts. Unconventional work setups, having employment that is arranged using different part-time, temporary or freelance jobs, short-term projects and

  • 4 Effective Treatment for Skin Pigmentation and Brown Spots

    4 Effective Treatment for Skin Pigmentation and Brown Spots3

    Skin pigmentation and Brown spots often occurring on the face are quite common. Previous inflammations, hormonal changes, and sun exposure to your skin could cause skin pigmentation. Even then, skin pigmentation might happen at different ages. 1. What causes and triggers hyperpigmentation? An increase in melanin in your skin causes Hyperpigmentation. Melanin is a natural