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  • 4 Ways to Treat Acne Scarring

    4 Ways to Treat Acne Scarring3

    If you have truly struggled with acne, then you know the frustration that pimples bring. For some people, no matter how many times they washout their faces, it seems they cannot make these bumps fade away. But, what is worse than the glaring red bumps? The scars they leave behind. The good thing is there’s

  • 4 Effective Treatment for Skin Pigmentation and Brown Spots

    4 Effective Treatment for Skin Pigmentation and Brown Spots3

    Skin pigmentation and Brown spots often occurring on the face are quite common. Previous inflammations, hormonal changes, and sun exposure to your skin could cause skin pigmentation. Even then, skin pigmentation might happen at different ages. 1. What causes and triggers hyperpigmentation? An increase in melanin in your skin causes Hyperpigmentation. Melanin is a natural

  • 3 Home Remedies For Cystic Acne

    3 Home Remedies For Cystic Acne3

    Oftentimes, cystic acne is the last progression stage for pimples and when it goes untreated, it can cause significant acne scarring. While these are accumulations of inflammatory material and they occupy space, it is probable to cause scars. The good news is, there’s a treatment for acne scar removal. The cystic acne can occur on

  • 6 Harmful Make-Up Ingredients to Avoid

    6 Harmful Make-Up Ingredients to Avoid3

    Skin is more sensitive than we give it credit for, and despite this, the majority of us remain uneducated, buying and supporting the use of products that are doing far more harm to our skin’s health than we may realize. If you’re having any trouble with your skin, or even if you aren’t, it’s time

  • Top 4 ways to keep your skin looking fresh and young

    Top 4 ways to keep your skin looking fresh and young1

    We all want to have fresh radiant skin for as long as possible. While taking care of your skin can seem like a lot of effort, making it a habit is vital for keeping your skin fresh and radiant. There are plenty of things you can do to keep your skin bright and young, some

  • 5 Best Baby Oils For All Skin Types

    5 Best Baby Oils For All Skin Types0

    A baby’s skin is fragile, thin and sensitive. So to avoid harming this sensitive skin, make sure you use baby oils for cleansing, protecting the surface and maintain moisture. In addition, baby oil can come in handy for massaging baby, a fantastic activity which helps you bond with your little one while bringing them added