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Top 4 ways to keep your skin looking fresh and young

Top 4 ways to keep your skin looking fresh and young

We all want to have fresh radiant skin for as long as possible. While taking care of your skin can seem like a lot of effort, making it a habit is vital for keeping your skin fresh and radiant. There are plenty of things you can do to keep your skin bright and young, some people even do a skin care routine that is over 10 steps long. If you don’t have the time or patience for 10 steps, don’t worry these are the top 5 things you can do to keep your skin looking younger for longer.

1. Good Moisturizer

Moisturizing is arguably the most important step in your skincare routine. Making sure that your skin cells are staying hydrated can add years of youthful glow to your face. The cells on your face, neck, and chest tend to shed and replace themselves at a more rapid pace than anywhere else on the body, making them some of the most vulnerable areas for aging. If you want to turn back the clock, or at least slow it down, make sure you are using a good moisturizer twice a day.

2. Sunscreen

The sun is the sole most damaging thing that our skin encounters, and we are prone to being overexposed to it every day. Even if you don’t live in a sunshine-filled tropical climate, the sun’s UV rays can pierce through clouds and still get to your skin. Think about all of the items that you have ever seen the sun fade. From clothes left outside too long, to plastic pool toys, after just a few days (sometimes even hours) the colors are noticeably different. Now think about what that means for your skin. Wearing SPF should be a daily habit if you are serious about taking care of your skin, and keeping a radiant complexion.

3. Hydrate

Staying hydrated helps your skin function at its best. After all, your skin is your largest organ, and our organs are made up of predominantly water. When our skin doesn’t get enough water it will turn dry, become tight, and flakey. Making it venerable to wrinkling, and overtime sagging. Along with your skin needing water to function properly getting a recommended eight glasses of water a day helps detoxify the skin. Our skin can hold onto nasty toxins that cause premature aging. You can rid the skin of the toxins by flushing them out with drinking enough water.

4. Massage your face

Massaging your face might seem a little weird at first, but massaging your face can increase the blood flow your skin. Not only does this increase the plumpness of your face and reduces swelling. It also promotes lymphatic drainage, which can detoxify the skin (paired with lots of water) and promote cellular regeneration. The best part? You can do it from home, you don’t need to sign up for a pricey facial to massage your face. You can do it yourself with your hands, or if you prefer with a facial brush like Clarisonic or anything similar.

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