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  • 3 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

    3 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early2

    Over half of American homeowners had to take out a mortgage to finance the purchase of their homes. Few people are able to afford the cost of a new house straight out of their pockets. Even with a great deal, most have to take out a loan in order to fund their dream home. Paying

  • Top 5 Hiding Spots Burglars Check First

    Top 5 Hiding Spots Burglars Check First0

    Everyone thinks about home security and stashing their valuables somewhere safe. You never know when you will fall victim to a burglar. However, you might think you’re being clever because the burglar will look for a safe, or valuables like TV’s and laptops and he won’t find you hidden cash. Well, you’re wrong. Burglars know