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5 Apps That Actually Make It Fun to Save Money

5 Apps That Actually Make It Fun to Save Money

Does saving money have to be a joyless chore? There are many newer apps which have tweaked the saving formula, by use of rewards and games to encourage people to save. Below we’ll look at 5 Apps that can have you in smiles whenever you set aside some money in savings.

1. Honeyfi

Financial conversations between spouses can be difficult. Luckily, Honeyfi can help ease the pain. This App empowers couples encouraging them to attain goals together. Thus they can make smart money choices. Available for Android and iOS, this free app links to your bank accounts whether individual or joint. This lets couples work as a team, react or comment on every transaction, and even sync up with the App’s share-able insights and customized monthly budgets.

2. Twine

Twine is focused on couples. Available for iOS, and Desktop. With this app, partners can come up with a savings missions, be it booking a dream vacation or for a down payment for their home. Now, each user can contribute and monitor as they near their goal. Also, Twine’s cheery and bright design helps make the whole process much sweeter. Every amount you save goes towards your investment portfolio. Additionally, the app is super cheap: costs 25 cents for every $500 you invest through this service.

3. iBillionaire

Gearing towards a billion dollars will generally involve a lot of hard work. This App can at least offer you a superstar’s motivation. The App, available for iOS, tracks real-time financial actions of moguls such as Warren Buffett. And this allows it’s users to apply the actions through a different suggested investment scheme. iBillionaire charges $1 each month and will create an investment account for and automatically put your savings in it. And that is despite the amount you put in and it then provides you with an analysis.

4. Tip Yourself

This free app will act like your a savings account, and you get to set up a goal—like, going to the gym that week—and whenever you attain it, you can move cash over from your regular account. Through connecting positive actions with even more positive actions, this app will help you change your daily habits, without making it a difficult chore.it is available for both Android and iOS.

5. Qapital

Qapital app will create actions that as you complete them you trigger savings — and these are slightly bigger actions. Set a goal like punishing yourself if you have overspent on shoes or once you complete a big work project. This free app is available for Android and iOS. And it can either discourage or reinforce your actions by moving money to savings. Also, you can have some rules for savings, such as rounding up a certain figure to the nearest dollar for transactions and saving the difference. Look at it as a financial life coach.

Get Saving Now

Most of the apps will help modify your money mindset and give you valuable ongoing lessons on financial well-being. This will in-turn help keep you debt-free and on your way to saving more for today and your future.

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  • 5 Free Money Saving Apps - TopThingy
    March 22, 2019, 4:45 pm

    […] Qapital is an app that utilizes some similar features that Acorns does, such as the “Round-Ups” savings, but it also allows you to set other goals and rules for saving for yourself, allowing for a more customizable feel. While it does not invest any of the funds, it is a great app for allowing passive savings to accumulate nicely. See also: 5 Apps That Actually Make It Fun to Save Money. […]


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