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Top 5 Most Expensive Degrees In The U.S

Top 5 Most Expensive Degrees In The U.S

Did you know that Americans owe over $1.56 trillion in student loan debt? That’s an average of $29,900 across 45 million borrowers. That’s a mind-boggling amount, especially when you compared them to education costs just 10 or 20 years ago.

The cost of higher education has been on a steady rise over the past 30 years, and Americans are spending more and more in education to catch up with today’s employer demands. But did you know that some certificates can cost you upwards of $200,000? And we’re not even talking about a law degree. If you have ever wondered what the most expensive degrees in the U.S are, take a look at the list below.

1. Executive MBA at Wharton School – University of Pennsylvania

This is a two-year program for executive-level education offered at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. It costs you approximately $192,000 to complete this program, which is double that of Harvard’s MBA program. The program is considered by many as one of the most prestigious business programs in the world, however, and is well worth the price. It is reported that the average salary among those who graduated from this program is $127,000, meaning you can potentially pay off the course’s cost in under 5 years.

2. Bachelor of Arts at Sarah Lawrence College

Based in Westchester County, New York, Sarah Lawrence is a college that focuses mostly on arts and design courses. Their liberal-art degree can cost you approximately $204,000 over four years. The school’s liberal art is also well-known for its unique teaching approach, allow students to have a lot more freedom with their learning activities and freedom by not having required courses and no examinations.

3. Doctor of Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

Becoming a Doctor of Medicine will cost you at least $230,000 over 4 years of schooling at Columbia University. This program is not only expensive, but also very hard to get into. It is constantly ranked in the top 10 best medicine programs among research programs in the U.S.

4. Bachelor of Music at Bard College

Bard College is a renowned liberal arts college located in New York. Found in 1860, the college has a long history of training and graduating many world-famous musicians, actors, performers, and directors such as Ronan Farrow, David Cote, Adam Conover and many more. The Bachelor of Music from Bard College will cost you at least $250,000 spread across a five-year program.

5. Bachelor of Science at Harvey Mudd College

The Bachelor of Science at Harvey Mudd is one of the most expensive programs in the U.S, sitting at over $209,000 for four years of study. The course that Harvey Mudd provides will equip you with crucial knowledge in mathematics, science, and engineering, allowing you to function and work in research institutes and other scientific organizations. On average, it is reported that graduates from this program can earn at least $78,000 in their early career and increases up to $130,000 later in their mid-career.

Related Article: Top 4 Most Prestigious Degrees In the US


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