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Top 4 gas and electricity suppliers

Top 4 gas and electricity suppliers

Just mention the word energy provider and chances are, people will start drawing on about how they are paying an arm and a leg, how terrible the customer service is, and that they can not understand a thing on the bill. However, it does not have to be like this. What some people do not know is that with a little research you can find customer-centric and affordable energy providers that won’t make your stomach drop every time you see their envelope in the mailbox. Here are the top four picks for the top gas and electricity providers in the U.S.

1. Constellation Energy

As a subsidiary of Exelon, Constellation Energy provides electric power, natural gas, and energy management services to over 2 million customers across the United States and Canada. In addition to their standard energy services Constellation offers renewable energy sources wherever possible, with a large emphasis on solar energy. They provide services to not only residential and businesses but also wholesale industry and governments, making them an expert in the industry. Offering a wide selection of energy solutions that can fit all sizes and budgets has earned Constellation a trustworthy reputation throughout North America.  They pride themselves on their commitment to providing excellent customer service and serving the communities where they serve.

2. Direct Energy

Direct Energy is one of the largest retailers of energy and related services in the United States and Canada. They offer plans that are customized the fit your electricity needs and allow you to have a bit more control over the budget. On top of letting you be a bit more in control of the plan, they offer great tools to help their users understand how much electricity and natural gas they are using. This allows their customers to be responsible and make informed decisions about their energy usage.

3. ConEdison Solutions

ConEdison is not your average energy company. They are pushing boundaries and innovating the industry to help their clients reduce their carbon footprints, stabilize their energy costs, replace energy-consuming machinery, and grow the supply of renewable energy resources. Offering services to businesses and residential alike, they give their customers a wide range of energy solutions. Most notably offering an array of renewable energy options, such as solar, wind, biomass, and even energy storage. Making them one of the leading energy companies for green energy.

4. North American Power

With a mission statement of “We will be America’s most admired retail energy company through exceptional growth, innovation, and customer experiences.” they truly value putting their customer first. They are the first to say that it’s good to have so much competition in the energy sector because it ultimately leads to new innovations and breakthroughs. There’s no decoder necessary for their electric and gas bills. In order to empower their customers, they vow to always make sure they keep it simple, and understandable for everyone. With their values being consumer-centric rather than money-centric, they are always looking ahead at what they can do to make the future of energy better for their customers.

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